Pelangio Exploration Inc.
2019  ESG Report
Published on  March 26, 2021
This ESG report covers Pelangio's exploration sites in Canada and Ghana. The details are included in the answers to the specific questions.
Disclaimer and Forward Looking Statements
Company Profile
Organizational Profile
Name Pelangio Exploration Inc.
Describe nature of activities, brands, products and services Pelangio acquires and explores world-class land packages on strategic gold belts in Ghana, West Africa and Canada. In Ghana, the Company is exploring its two 100% owned camp-sized properties: the 100 km2 Manfo property, the site of seven near-surface gold discoveries, and the 284 km2 Obuasi property, located 4 km on strike and adjacent to AngloGold Ashanti’s prolific high-grade Obuasi Mine, as well as the newly optioned Dankran property located adjacent to its Obuasi property. In Canada, the Company is currently focused in Ontario on its Grenfell property, located 10 km from Kirkland Lake, at its Dome West property, situated some 800 meters from the Dome Mine in Timmins and is advancing its Hailstone property in Saskatchewan. See for further detail on all Pelangio’s properties.
Link to Corporate Website
Industry Classification 104 Gold and Silver Ores
Market Capitalization $0-$100Million USD
Type of Operations Exclusively non-producing operations
Company Headquarters Toronto, Canada
Link to company sustainability and ESG strategy, performance, programs and related external communications , e.g. ESG Report (URL)
ESG Accountability
Role and Name of highest authority within company for Environment, Social and Governance strategy, programs and performance, e.g. will be a member on the Board or VP CSR Ingrid Hibbard, CEO
ESG Reporting Period
Unless otherwise noted, all data contained in this report covers the following period:
From 2019-01-02
To 2020-01-01
Geographic Scope of Report
Unless otherwise noted, the data in this report covers ESG matters related to the following locations of operations Canada, Ghana
The ESG Report will cover  all properties in Canada and Ghana that incurred or where exploration was completed during the year.
Canada Projects 2019 Ontario/Saskatchewan Ghana Projects 2019
Identify notable exclusions, and reference any existing or planned reports that do or will address these (e.g, assets recently divested or acquired, non-managed joint ventures, specific exploration activities, recently closed sites, etc) This report excludes non active exploration properties.
Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations
Identify all of the entity's countries of operations that align with the World Bank's list of "Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations" None
Business Operations Scope of Report
Identify notable exclusions, and reference any existing or planned reports that do or will address these (e.g, assets recently divested or acquired, non-managed joint ventures, specific exploration activities, recently closed sites, etc) We are an exploration company, have not reported prior to this year and aggregating data for all projects. No exclusions.
Mineral Resource Types in Scope
Which of the following mineral resource types are covered by this report Inferred, Indicated
Mineral Reserve Types in Scope
Which of the following mineral reserve types are covered by this report None
Unless otherwise noted, all financial figures referenced in this report are in the following currency CAD
Audit Status
Identify the degree to which any inputs of the report are third-party checked: Self-Declared
Reporting Requirements
Are you including ESG targets No
Are you capturing historical data as part of this reporting effort: No
Organizational Profile
Provide a list of externally-developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organization subscribes, or which it endorses, e.g. GRI, UN Global Compact The company is reviewing and familiarizing itself with the Standards and working towards the identification of one or more that suit the size and scale of its operations. The Company is at the exploration stage within the mining industry.
Provide a statement from the most senior decision-maker of the organization (such as CEO, chair, or equivalent senior position) about the relevance of sustainability to the organization and its strategy for addressing sustainability (CEO's message for this report) The Company is undertaking to integrate sustainable practices and move toward ESG reporting throughout all aspects of its operations.
This is an extensive process that will evolve over time and as more detailed quantitative information becomes or is made available through its suppliers and contractors.
CEO Statement
Ingrid Hibbard, CEO
Provide a description of key impacts, risks, and opportunities, e.g. permitting, waste treatment, tailings, closure As an exploration company our environmental impacts are minimal, but the opportunities for improving the lives of the communities where we are working is substantial. We evaluate opportunities and initiatives for continuous improvement as they arise.
Ethics and Integrity
Provide a description of the organization’s values, principles, standards, and norms of behavior
a. Report fines and non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws and/or regulations in terms of:
i. total monetary value of significant fines 0
ii. total number of non-monetary sanctions 0
iii. cases brought through dispute resolution mechanisms 0
b. If the organization is in compliance with environmental laws and/or regulations, a brief statement of this fact is sufficient We are in compliance with environmental laws and/or regulations in Canada and Ghana.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Disclose the gross global Scope 1 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the atmosphere of the seven GHGs covered under the Kyoto Protocol (tonne CO₂-e)
Carbon dioxide (CO₂) (tonne CO₂-e) 0
Methane (CH₄)  (tonne CO₂-e) 0
Nitrous oxide (N₂O)  (tonne CO₂-e) 0
Hydrofluorocarbon-23 (CHF₃)  (tonne CO₂-e) 0
Hydrofluorocarbon-32 (CH₂F₂)  (tonne CO₂-e) 0
Sulfur hexafluoride (SF₆)  (tonne CO₂-e) 0
Nitrogen trifluoride (NF₃)  (tonne CO₂-e) 0
Perfluoromethane (CF₄)  (tonne CO₂-e) 0
Perfluoroethane (C₂F₆)  (tonne CO₂-e) 0
Perfluorobutane (C₄F₁₀)  (tonne CO₂-e) 0
Perfluorohexane (C₆F₁₄)  (tonne CO₂-e) 0
The total amount of gross global Scope 1 GHG emissions (CO₂-e) (tonne) 0
Percentage of its gross global Scope 1 GHG emissions that are covered under an emissions-limiting regulation or program that is intended to directly limit or reduce emissions, such as cap-and-trade schemes, carbon tax/fee systems, and other emissions control (e.g., command-and-control approach) and permit based mechanisms: 100.0000%
Discussion of long-term and short-term strategy or plan to manage Scope1 emissions, emissions reduction targets, and an analysis of performance against those targets As an exploration company,  our emissions are diminutive and we ensure the continued target of the absolute minimum. Our Ghanaian exploration activities utilize a small portable drill rig which diminishes our ecological footprint and minimizes our disturbance of the local environment.
Air Quality
Report emissions of air pollutants that are released into the atmosphere:
Emissions of (1) carbon monoxide, reported as CO  (tonne) 0
Pelangio is an exploration stage company. Its activity levels vary dramatically but any emissions would be minuscule and short lived as most programs last only several weeks.  It is beginning the process of ESG reporting and integration into its operations. At this point, the Company does not have systems to gauge or measure any potential emissions.
Emissions of (2) oxides of nitrogen (NOX), reported as NOX (tonne) 0
Emissions of (3) oxides of sulfur (SOX), reported as SOX  (tonne) 0
Emissions of (4) particulate matter 10 micrometers or less in diameter (PM₁₀), reported as PM₁₀  (tonne)
Emissions of (5) lead and lead compounds, reported as Pb  (tonne) 0
Emissions of (6) mercury and mercury compounds, reported as Hg  (tonne) 0
Emissions of (7) non-methane volatile organic compounds (VOCs)  (tonne) 0
Proportion of water reused and recycled by the site to reduce the overall consumptive water demand: 100.0000%
The water used on our properties is only for cooling the drill. We use approximately 500 liters of water and then it is placed back into a settling pond.
Water Withdrawal
Disclose the freshwater withdrawn in locations with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress as a percentage of the total water withdrawn Does Not Apply
This amount is based on an estimate of water used per meter of drilling.
Disclose the amount of water that was withdrawn from freshwater sources (Megaliters) 0
Water Management
Was your organization subject to any fines, enforcement orders, and/or other penalties for water-related regulatory violations No
Number of incidents of non-compliance associated with water quality permits, standards, and regulations 0
Water Consumption
Disclose freshwater consumed in locations with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress as a percentage of the total water consumed: Does Not Apply
No water is consumed. All water is returned to a catchment area.
Disclose the amount of water that was consumed in its operations (Megaliters) 0
Energy Management
(1) Total energy consumed in aggregate, in gigajoules (GJ) (hydrocarbons and electricity) 0
(2) Percentage energy consumed that was supplied by grid electricity Does Not Apply
(3) Percentage of energy consumed that is renewable energy: Does Not Apply
Waste Management
Spending on Research, Development, and Technologies for waste management compliance and improvement 0
We have no waste and thus have no need for allocating funds to waste management.
Describe nature of spending on research, development and technologies for waste management compliance and improvement Not applicable for this stage of the Company's operations.
List the environmental biodiversity management plan(s) implemented at active sites: There was no formal plan required for any of the Company exploration sites in 2019.  In order to receive the permits to explore, the Company adheres to the highest standards required.
1.1 Mine lifecycle stages to which the plan(s) apply Exploration and appraisal
1.2 The topics addressed by the plan(s) Ecological and biodiversity impacts
1.3 The underlying references for its plan(s), including whether they are codes, guidelines, standards, or regulations; whether they were developed by the entity, an industry organization, a third-party organization (e.g., a non-governmental organization, a governmental agency, or some combination of these groups) The Company secures all necessary governmental permits for its exploration activities. Those permits require the Company to adhere to environmental standards and the Company complies with all regulatory requirements.
Does access to the site involve traversing a protected area No
Do any of the entities concessions share a watershed with a protected area No
Provide context and description of site access involving traversing protected areas, and/or watersheds shared with a protected area. Include reference to measures in place to assure access, any proactive programs to support the biodiversity of the protected area, and any formal complaints or compliance issues and related steps to resolve The Company ensures that all permitting applications are approved prior to access, which addresses the activities undertaken, and any biodiversity or access requirements are met. Pelangio's team makes every effort to leave an exploration site in better condition than it found it.  In Ghana, the Company has switched to smaller man portable drills called Grasshoppers to limit any mobilization damage to the local environment or biodiversity when moving drills around.  Further, the Company also backfills any unsafe exposures or small pits left by local artisanal minors for added safety measures for the benefit of its own team and others who may access the site, and to remediate sites left in that manner by these third parties.
Percentage of proved reserves in sites with protected conservation status or in areas of endangered species habitat: Does Not Apply
Percentage of probable reserves in sites with protected conservation status or in areas of endangered species habitat: Does Not Apply
Percentage of inferred, indicated and measured reerves in sites with protected conservation status or in areas of endangered species habitat: Does Not Apply
Scale of the Organization
i. Report the total number of direct employees worldwide (exclude contractors) 2
ii. Report the total number of contract employees worldwide 0
We could not gather this information during the foundation reporting period. We will ensure to gather this information moving forward. We define "contract workers" as 3rd- party Vendor affiliated staff.
Organizational Profile
ii. Report the total number of operations 1
Pelangio has a number of fully owned subsidiaries.
Report the total number of direct employees by employment type (permanent and temporary), by gender: 2
Total number of permanent employees - female 1
Total number of temporary employees - female 0
Total number of permanent employees - male 1
Total number of temporary employees - male 0
Total number of permanent employees - non-binary 0
Total number of temporary employees - non-binary 0
Report the total number of contractors by employment type (permanent and temporary), by gender: 0
We will be gathering this information moving forward.
Total number of permanent contractors - female 0
Our contractors and suppliers do not provide this information. Going forward we will be requesting it.
Total number of temporary contractors - female 0
Our contractors and suppliers do not provide this information. Going forward we will be requesting it.
Total number of permanent contractors - male 0
Our contractors and suppliers do not provide this information. Going forward we will be requesting it.
Total number of temporary contractors - male 0
Our contractors and suppliers do not provide this information. Going forward we will be requesting it.
Total number of permanent contractors - non-binary 0
Our contractors and suppliers do not provide this information. Going forward we will be requesting it.
Total number of temporary contractors - non-binary 0
Our contractors and suppliers do not provide this information. Going forward we will be requesting it.
Report the total number of employees by employment type (full-time and part-time), by gender: 2
Total number of full-time employees - female 1
Total number of part-time employees - female 0
Total number of full-time employees - male 1
Total number of part-time employees - male 0
Total number of full-time employees - non-binary 0
Total number of part-time employees - non-binary 0
Report the total number of contractors by employment type (full-time and part-time), by gender: 0
Our contractors and suppliers do not provide this information. Going forward we will be requesting it.
Total number of full-time contractors - female 0
Our contractors and suppliers do not provide this information. Going forward we will be requesting it.
Total number of part-time contractors - female 0
Our contractors and suppliers do not provide this information. Going forward we will be requesting it.
Total number of full-time contractors - male 0
Our contractors and suppliers do not provide this information. Going forward we will be requesting it.
Total number of part-time contractors - male 0
Our contractors and suppliers do not provide this information. Going forward we will be requesting it.
Total number of full-time contractors - non-binary 0
Our contractors and suppliers do not provide this information. Going forward we will be requesting it.
Total number of part-time contractors - non-binary 0
Our contractors and suppliers do not provide this information. Going forward we will be requesting it.
Report the total number and rate of employee turnover during the reporting period, by age group, and gender:
All Employees
Total number of turnover (the number that left during the period) 0
Rate of turnover 0.0000%
Female employees
Total number of turnover (the number that left during the period) 0
Rate of turnover 0.0000%
Male employees
Total number of turnover (the number that left during the period) 0
Rate of turnover 0.0000%
Non-binary employees
Total number of turnover (the number that left during the period) 0
Rate of turnover Does Not Apply
Employees aged 30 years old and under
Total number of turnover (the number that left during the period) 0
Rate of turnover Does Not Apply
Employees aged between 30 and 50 years old
Total number of turnover (the number that left during the period) 0
Rate of turnover 0.0000%
Employees over 50 years old
Total number of turnover (the number that left during the period) 0
Rate of turnover 0.0000%
Identify types of employees captured in the turnover rate calculations All employees on the payroll
Occupational Health and Safety
Work-related Injuries
a. For all employees:
i. Total Hours Worked 3840
ii- Number of fatalities as a result of work-related injury 0
Rate of fatalities resulting from work-related injury, note: calculating per 200,000 hours 0
iii. Number of high-consequence work-related injuries (excluding fatalities) 0
Rate of high-consequence work-related injuries (excluding fatalities) 0
iv. Number of recordable work-related injuries 0
Rate of recordable work-related injuries 0
v. Main types of work-related injury, e.g. confined space, trips, falls, etc. There were no injuries.
b. Contractors:
i. Total Hours Worked 0
Do this best estimate.
ii. Number of fatalities as a result of work-related injury 0
Rate of fatalities resulting from work-related injury, note: calculating per 200,000 hours 0
iii. Number of high-consequence work-related injuries (excluding fatalities) 0
Rate of high-consequence work-related injuries (excluding fatalities) 0
iv. Number of recordable work-related injuries 0
Rate of recordable work-related injuries 0
v. Main types of work-related injury, e.g. falls, trips, spills, etc. There were no injuries.
c. Combined (Employees and Contractors)
Total Hours Worked 3840
Total number of all work-related injuries 0
Rate of work-related injuries 0
c. Report the work-related hazards that pose a risk of high-consequence injury, including:
i. How have these hazards been determined The principal hazard risks for PX relate to workplace safety incidents associated with exploration field work. These risks include but are not limited to: automobile accidents, hazards related to heavy equipment and drill rig operation, exposure to potentially hazardous climates and environments. The hazards are determined in accordance with industry best practice standards for resource exploration as defined by e3 Plus: A Framework for Responsible Exploration as developed by the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC).
ii. Which of these hazards have caused or contributed to high-consequence injuries during the reporting period
No hazards have caused injuries in 2019.  We plan to conduct a review in 2020.
iii. Actions taken or underway to eliminate these hazards and minimize risks using the hierarchy of controls No hazards have caused injuries in 2019.  We plan to conduct a review in 2020.
d. Report on actions taken or underway to eliminate other work-related hazards and minimize risks using the hierarchy of controls The company is proactive in implementing exploration industry standard practices for health and safety performance in all exploration activities.

We seek continual improvement through the ongoing refinement of health and safety protocols to ensure the Company conducts ongoing reviews of potential work-related hazards and appropriate steps to minimize risk.
f. Whether and, if so, why any workers have been excluded from this disclosure, including the types of worker excluded, e.g. short-term contractors No hazards have caused injuries in 2019.  We plan to conduct a review in 2020.
g. Disclose any contextual information necessary to understand how the data have been compiled, such as any standards, methodologies, and assumptions used No hazards have caused injuries in 2019.  We plan to conduct a review in 2020.
Safety Training
Disclose the average number of training hours provided to its workforce for health, safety, and emergency management training, by direct employees and contractors:
Direct Employees (full-time/part-time): 2.5
Contractors: 1
In addition to the Company safety training, contractors also have training in their own environments and employers.
Diversity and Equal Opportunity
b. Report the percentage of employees per employee category in each of the following diversity categories:
Senior Management:
Total Senior Managers 1
Percent Male 0.0000%
Percent Female 100.0000%
Percent Non-Binary 0.0000%
Percent under 30 years of age 0.0000%
Percent between 30 and 50 years of age 0.0000%
Percent over 50 years of age 100.0000%
Salaried (excluding Senior Management):
Total Middle Managers 1
Percent Male 100.0000%
Percent Female 0.0000%
Percent Non-Binary 0.0000%
Percent under 30 years of age 0.0000%
Percent between 30 and 50 years of age 100.0000%
Percent over 50 years of age 0.0000%
Technical Employees (skilled hourly):
Total Technical Employees 0
Percent Male Does Not Apply
Percent Female Does Not Apply
Percent Non-Binary Does Not Apply
Percent under 30 years of age Does Not Apply
Percent between 30 and 50 years of age Does Not Apply
Percent over 50 years of age Does Not Apply
Production Employees (unskilled hourly):
Total Production Employees 0
Percent Male Does Not Apply
Percent Female Does Not Apply
Percent Non-Binary Does Not Apply
Percent under 30 years of age Does Not Apply
Percent between 30 and 50 years of age Does Not Apply
Percent over 50 years of age Does Not Apply
Total Contractors 0
Percent Male Does Not Apply
Percent Female Does Not Apply
Percent Non-Binary Does Not Apply
Percent under 30 years of age Does Not Apply
Percent between 30 and 50 years of age Does Not Apply
Percent over 50 years of age Does Not Apply
Security, Human Rights and Rights of Indigenous People
Identify the countries of operations within World Banks list of “Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations” None
No countries of operations within the World Banks list of "Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations".
Describe the nature of any social risks, for all operating countries, that could have a material risk to operations There are no known material social risks to operations.
Percentage of proved reserves that are located in or near areas of active conflict: Does Not Apply
The total amount of proved reserves 0
Percentage of probable reserves that are located in or near areas of active conflict: Does Not Apply
The total amount of probable reserves 0
Percentage of inferred, indicated and measured reserves that are located in or near areas of active conflict: Does Not Apply
Total amount of inferred, indicated and/or measured reserves 0
Percentage of proved reserves that are located in or near areas that are considered to be indigenous peoples’ land: Does Not Apply
The total amount of proved reserves
Percentage of probable reserves that are located in or near areas that are considered to be indigenous peoples’ land: Does Not Apply
The total amount of probable reserves
Percentage of inferred, indicated and measured reserves that are located in or near areas that are considered to be indigenous peoples’ land: Does Not Apply
Total amount of inferred, indicated and measured reserves 0
Describe due diligence practices and procedures with respect to indigenous rights of communities in which it operates or intends to operate MOU completed with the Waban Tribal Council.
Discuss practices and list procedures while operating in areas of conflict, e.g. add URL to policies and procedures or other document We do not operate in areas of conflict.
Labor Relations
Notice Periods
a. Minimum number of weeks’ notice typically provided to employees and their representatives prior to the implementation of significant operational changes that could substantially
affect them
For full time employees the minimum notice period is 2 weeks.
For part-time daily employees, there is no notice period because they work on a daily basis.
All contract hirers are provided notice based on mutually agreed negotiated contract.
b.  If your organization is subject to collective bargaining agreements, is the notice period and provisions for consultation and negotiation specified in those agreements: No
Community Relations
Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining
Number of company operating sites where artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) takes place on, or adjacent to, the site (not controlled by company/unauthorized): 3
Percentage of company operating sites where artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) takes place on, or adjacent to, the site 100.0000%
add details about the small scale artisanal mining.
Report the associated risks and the actions taken to manage and mitigate these risks The Company has, when required, utilized a backhoe to backfill the small pits that are abandoned by artisanal miners in order to protect the safety of anyone who happens to go on site.
Report on community relations programs, objectives and achievements in the past 3 years The Company has supported the local community by providing materials for the construction of a school.
It also actively supports local entrepreneurs to setup a drilling company which employs local workers. It also provided support to small farming operations.
Donation of cement to local village
Community Programs
Discuss the processes, procedures, and practices to manage risks and opportunities associated with the rights and interests of communities in areas where it conducts business The Company maintains strong relationships in the local communities where it operates.  

See attached for further details.
Low Environmental Impact 'Grasshopper' Drill Rig Processes, procedures & practices
Report the total number of site shutdowns or project delays due to non-technical factors 1
Dome West had a delay due to site restrictions stemming from the Covid-19 pandemic.
Report the total aggregate duration of site shutdowns or project delays due to non-technical factors (days) 60
Description of the management system for prevention of corruption and bribery throughout the value chain, e.g. Anti-Corruption Policies and Procedures or other Compliance document A more fulsome Anti-Corruption Policy and Procedures is being constructed and reviewed by legal counsel and will be presented to the Board of Directors for approval when finalized.
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

Insider Trading Policy

Whistleblower Policy
Report production in countries that have the 20 lowest rankings in Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index (Saleable tonne) 0
a. Report the governance structure of the organization, including committees of the highest governance body, e.g. the Board of Directors, the Executives, the Board Environment Committee, Board Safety Committee, the Advisory Committee, etc. Board of Directors,  Special Advisory Board, Audit Committee, Compensation Committee,
Corporate Governance and Mandates
b. Report the committees responsible for decision-making on economic, environmental, and social topics,  e.g. the Board of Directors, the Executives, the Board Environment Committee, Board Safety Committee, the Advisory Committee, etc. Board of Directors, Special Advisory Committee.
a. Has the organization appointed an executive-level position or positions with responsibility for economic, environmental, and social topics , e.g. is it part of the Governance structure of the company, the CFO or internal audit reporting to the Board No
Reporting Structure
b. Report whether position holders report directly to the highest governance body or CEO Not applicable.
Consultation Process
Report the processes for consultations between stakeholders and the highest governance body on economic, environmental and social topics, e.g. for most mining companies it would be the executives and operations and not the Board, and if delegated, explain how Consultation would begin with Executives and is subsequently reported to the Board of Directors if material.
Report the composition of the highest governance body and its committees by:
Number of  executive members
Number of non-executive members 4
Number of independent members 4
Less than 3 years 4
3-6 - years 0
6-9 years 1
More than 10 years 1
Lists of each individual’s other significant positions and commitments, and the nature of the commitments, e.g. other boards and executive positions See attached.
Board of Directors
Number of Male governance body members 5
Number of Female governance body members 1
Number of members from under-represented social groups 0
Description of  competencies relating to economic, environmental, and social topics The board is well rounded in skills and experience and takes a forward looking approach to economic, environmental and social topics.
Board of Directors Biography's
 Description of stakeholder representation The board of directors has a fiduciary duty of care for all shareholders.
Board Diversity
If availabile, provide a link to the entity's Board Diversity Proxy Statement or attach the related document Please see attached.
Board of Director Mandate
Non-Executive Director
a. Is the chair of the highest governance body also an executive officer in the organization No
Conflicts of Interest
a. Report the processes for the highest governance body to ensure conflicts of interest are avoided and managed, e.g. list procedures The Company has a code of conduct and ethics and all board members have a fiduciary duty of care to keep oversight of the management and the affairs of the Company.  The Board and all relevant committees meet regularly.
b. Report whether conflicts of interest are disclosed to stakeholders, including, as a minimum: Yes
i. Cross-board membership Yes
ii. Cross-shareholding with suppliers and other stakeholders No
iii. Existence of controlling shareholder No
iv. Related third party disclosures Yes
a. Report the highest governance body’s and senior executives’ roles in the development, approval, and updating of the organization’s purpose, value or mission statements, strategies, policies, and goals related to economic, environmental, and social topics The Board of Directors and Special Advisory Committee play an active role in the Company in all aspects.
a. Report on the measures taken to develop and enhance the highest governance body’s collective knowledge of economic, environmental, and social topics, e.g. board training Subsequent to the period this report covers (2019). The Board received some initial training on ESG in March 2020.
d. Report the actions taken in response to evaluation of the highest governance body’s performance with respect to governance of economic, environmental, and social topics, including, as a minimum, changes in membership and organizational practice, (reponse to external evaluations) The Company is undertaking to integrate ESG, CSR and sustainability practices throughout its organization. This is a complex process that will continue to evolve, be refined and become more articulate over time.
a. Report the highest governance body’s role in identifying and managing economic, environmental, and social topics and their impacts, risks, and opportunities – including its role in the implementation of due diligence processes, (committee roles) The Board of Directors and Special Advisory Committee play an active role in the Company in all aspects.
b. Is stakeholder consultation used to support the highest governance body’s identification and management of economic, environmental, and social topics and their impacts, risks, and opportunities, and if delegated, explain how Yes
In addition to discussing the risks and opportunities of any project, the company describes the relationship it has with the local communities and how it has sustained entrepreneurial endeavours within the local community when presenting to investors or presenting to third party stakeholders.
b. Report how performance criteria in the remuneration policies relate to the highest governance body’s and senior executives’ objectives for economic, environmental, and social topics The Company has a Compensation Committee Charter which relates to the senior executives objectives.
a. How are stakeholders’ views sought and taken into account regarding remuneration The Company has an annual meeting during which shareholder votes may influence the composition of the Board of Directors which can influence the remuneration and fees for senior executives and the auditors.
b. If applicable, report the results of votes on remuneration policies and proposals Not applicable.
Stakeholder Engagement
a. Percentage of total direct employees covered by collective bargaining agreements: Does Not Apply
Policies and Practices
di. Total number of governance body members that have received training on anti-corruption 5
dii. Percentage of governance body members that have received training on anti-corruption: 100.0000%
e. Report the total number and percentage of employees that have received training on anti-corruption, broken down by employee category:
e1a. Total number of employees that received training on anti-corruption 2
Total number of employees 2
e1b. Percentage of employees that received training on anti-corruption 100.0000%
e2a. Total number of senior employees that received training on anti-corruption 1
Total number of senior employees   1
e2b. Percentage of senior employees that received training on anti-corruption 100.0000%
e3a. Total number of middle management employees have received training on anti-corruption 1
Total number of middle management employees 1
e3b. Percentage of middle management employees have received training on anti-corruption 100.0000%
e4a. Total number of technical employees that received training on anti-corruption 2
Total number of technical employees 2
e4b. Percentage of technical employees that received training on anti-corruption 100.0000%
e5a. Total number of production employees that received training on anti-corruption 2
We are an exploration company, thus have not production employees.
Total number of production employees 2
e5b. Percentage of production employees that received training on anti-corruption 100.0000%
e6a. Total number of administrative employees that received training on anti-corruption 2
Total number of administrative employees   2
e6b. Percentage of administrative employees that received training on anti-corruption 100.0000%
a. Describe the approach to stakeholder engagement and management of stakeholder concerns related to tax, including:
i. the approach to engagement with tax authorities The approach is compliant with tax law in all jurisdictions in which the Company operates.
ii. the approach to public policy advocacy on tax The Company is not actively advocating for public policy changes to taxation.
iii. the processes for collecting and considering the views and concerns of stakeholders, including external stakeholders The company has a whistleblower policy on its website, with information for stakeholders on how to communicate with the audit committee which is responsible for taxation and audit.
Climate Change
Is there board-level oversight of climate-related issues within your organization Not currently but we plan to do so within the next two years
Provide the highest management-level position(s) or committee(s) with responsibility for climate-related issues: Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Nature of primary responsibility Assessing climate-related risks and opportunities
Frequency of reporting to the board on climate-related issues As important matters arise
Do you provide incentives for the management of climate-related issues, including the attainment of targets No, and we do not plan to introduce them in the next two years
Risk and Opportunity Management
Does your organization have a process for identifying, assessing, and responding to climate-related risks and opportunities No - Insufficient data on operations
Risk Assessments
Have you identified any inherent climate-related risks with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business No - Evaluation in process
Opportunity Assessments
Have you identified any climate-related opportunities with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business: No
Have climate-related risks and opportunities influenced your organization’s strategy and/or financial planning Yes
Pelangio is looking at the non-financial factors of ESG as part of its analysis and management process to identify and minimize risks and maximize growth opportunities and value for its shareholders.
Water Management
Quality and Quantity Dependency
Rate the importance (current and future) of freshwater quality and quantity to the success of your business:
Direct use importance rating Have not evaluated
Indirect use importance rating Have not evaluated
Rate the importance (current and future) of sufficient quantity of recycled, brackish and/or produced water for the success of your business:
Direct use importance rating Have not evaluated
Indirect use importance rating Have not evaluated
Risk Assessments
Does your organization undertake a water-related risk assessment No, water-related risks are not assessed
Select the options that best describe your procedures for identifying and assessing water-related risks:
i. Coverage None
ii. Risk Assessment Procedure Other, please specify
At this stage this is not applicable.  We ensure compliance with all permitting laws addressing water related risks.
iii. Frequency of Risk Assessment Not defined
iv. How far into the future are risks considered Up to 1 year
Have you identified any inherent water-related risks with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on operations No
Opportunity Assessments
Have you identified any water-related opportunities with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business: No
Provide the highest management-level position(s) or committee(s) with responsibility for water-related issues There is currently no management-level responsibility for water-related issues
Does your organization have a documented water policy No
Select the options that best describe the scope and content of your organizations' water policy Not applicable
Frequency of reporting to the board on water-related issues As important matters arise
Do you provide incentives to C-suite employees or board members for the management of water-related issues No, and we do not plan to introduce them in the next two years
Are water-related issues integrated into any aspects of your long-term strategic business plan: No, water-related issues were not reviewed and there are no plans to do so
This document was prepared using
, Planet Earth's complete ESG reporting solution.