Published on March 3, 2021 |
At Troilus we are committed to creating value for our shareholders while operating in a safe, socially and environmentally responsible manner, contributing to the prosperity of our employees and our local communities while respecting human rights, cultures, customs and values of those impacted by our activities. |
Disclaimer and Forward Looking Statements |
Company Profile |
Organizational Profile |
Name |
Troilus Gold Corporation |
Describe nature of activities, brands, products and services |
Troilus is a Toronto-based, Quebec focused, advanced stage exploration and development company focused on the mineral expansion and potential mine re-start of the former gold and copper Troilus mine. |
The 107,326 hectare Troilus property is located within the Frotêt-Evans Greenstone Belt in Quebec, Canada. From 1996 to 2010, Inmet Mining Corporation operated the Troilus project as an open pit mine, producing more than 2,000,000 ounces of gold and nearly 70,000 tonnes of copper. |
Link to Corporate Website |
https://www.troilusgold.com/ |
Industry Classification |
104 Gold and Silver Ores |
Market Capitalization |
$100 Million up to $1 Billion USD |
Type of Operations |
Exclusively non-producing operations |
Company Headquarters |
Toronto, Canada |
Link to company sustainability and ESG strategy, performance, programs and related external communications , e.g. ESG Report (URL) |
https://www.troilusgold.com/sustainability/overview/ |
ESG Accountability |
Role and Name of highest authority within company for Environment, Social and Governance strategy, programs and performance, e.g. will be a member on the Board or VP CSR |
Pierre Pettigrew, Chair of the ESG Committee of the Board of Directors |
ESG Reporting Period |
Unless otherwise noted, all data contained in this report covers the following period: |
From |
2020-01-01 |
To |
2020-12-31 |
Geographic Scope of Report |
Unless otherwise noted, the data in this report covers ESG matters related to the following locations of operations |
Canada |
Identify notable exclusions, and reference any existing or planned reports that do or will address these (e.g, assets recently divested or acquired, non-managed joint ventures, specific exploration activities, recently closed sites, etc) |
No exclusions from this report. |
Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations |
Identify all of the entity's countries of operations that align with the World Bank's list of "Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations" |
None |
Business Operations Scope of Report |
Identify notable exclusions, and reference any existing or planned reports that do or will address these (e.g, assets recently divested or acquired, non-managed joint ventures, specific exploration activities, recently closed sites, etc) |
No operation exclusions from this report. |
Mineral Resource Types in Scope |
Which of the following mineral resource types are covered by this report |
Inferred, Indicated |
Mineral Reserve Types in Scope |
Which of the following mineral reserve types are covered by this report |
None |
Currency |
Unless otherwise noted, all financial figures referenced in this report are in the following currency |
Audit Status |
Identify the degree to which any inputs of the report are third-party checked: |
Self-Declared |
Reporting Requirements |
Are you including ESG targets |
No |
Are you capturing historical data as part of this reporting effort: |
No |
Organizational Profile |
Provide a list of externally-developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organization subscribes, or which it endorses, e.g. GRI, UN Global Compact |
GRI, SASB, UN Global Compact. |
Strategy |
Provide a statement from the most senior decision-maker of the organization (such as CEO, chair, or equivalent senior position) about the relevance of sustainability to the organization and its strategy for addressing sustainability (CEO's message for this report) |
Message from the CEO, Justin Reid (see attached) |
Message from the CEO |
Justin Reid, CEO and Director |
Provide a description of key impacts, risks, and opportunities, e.g. permitting, waste treatment, tailings, closure |
As a mine site under development, Troilus is engaged in developing the Environment & Social Impact Study which we expect to submit to provincial and federal regulators in 2022. |
As a closed mine site, Troilus is responsible for the management and reclamation of the former tailings facility.
The Troilus project is subject to known and unknown risks of the mining industry, including without limitation, risks and uncertainties discussed in the company’s most recent 43-101 Technical Report, annual information form, financial statements and MD&A, as well as other continuous disclosure documents available under the Company’s profile at www.sedar.com.
See files attached for more information. |
EIA Baseline Studies |
Tailings Management |
Ethics and Integrity |
Provide a description of the organization’s values, principles, standards, and norms of behavior |
Troilus Gold Corp. is committed to creating sustainable long-term value for its stakeholders, which is achieved by adhering to best practices in corporate governance. |
The Company has established a set of policies with respect to ethical business practices, personal conduct, environmental, safety and occupational health practices, competition and fair dealings, and disclosure of information, that describe its commitment to promoting effective functioning of its personnel and improve the company performance. |
Troilus Sustainable Development Policy |
Our Commitment to Sustainable Development |
Environment |
Compliance |
a. Report fines and non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws and/or regulations in terms of: |
i. total monetary value of significant fines |
0 |
ii. total number of non-monetary sanctions |
0 |
iii. cases brought through dispute resolution mechanisms |
0 |
b. If the organization is in compliance with environmental laws and/or regulations, a brief statement of this fact is sufficient |
We take adherence to environmental and regulatory compliance very seriously and to that end, we were the first mineral exploration company to obtain certification for UL 2723: ECOLOGO Certification Program for Mineral Exploration Companies, a standard launched by the Quebec Mineral Exploration Association to promote widespread application of environmental, social and economic best practices in the mineral exploration industry. |
Troilus met or exceeded the requirements in the following categories to obtain the EcoLogo certification: Environmental Quality, Quality of Life, Local Investment, Work Environment, Business Ethics, Transparency and reporting, Innovation, Economic efficiency
ECOLOGO Certification |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions |
Disclose the gross global Scope 1 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the atmosphere of the seven GHGs covered under the Kyoto Protocol (tonne CO₂-e) |
Carbon dioxide (CO₂) (tonne CO₂-e) |
125 |
Methane (CH₄) (tonne CO₂-e) |
0 |
Nitrous oxide (N₂O) (tonne CO₂-e) |
0 |
Hydrofluorocarbon-23 (CHF₃) (tonne CO₂-e) |
0 |
Hydrofluorocarbon-32 (CH₂F₂) (tonne CO₂-e) |
0 |
Sulfur hexafluoride (SF₆) (tonne CO₂-e) |
0 |
Nitrogen trifluoride (NF₃) (tonne CO₂-e) |
0 |
Perfluoromethane (CF₄) (tonne CO₂-e) |
0 |
Perfluoroethane (C₂F₆) (tonne CO₂-e) |
0 |
Perfluorobutane (C₄F₁₀) (tonne CO₂-e) |
0 |
Perfluorohexane (C₆F₁₄) (tonne CO₂-e) |
0 |
The total amount of gross global Scope 1 GHG emissions (CO₂-e) (tonne) |
125 |
At this time, Carbon dioxide emissions at Troilus result entirely from vehicles which are powered by diesel. |
Percentage of its gross global Scope 1 GHG emissions that are covered under an emissions-limiting regulation or program that is intended to directly limit or reduce emissions, such as cap-and-trade schemes, carbon tax/fee systems, and other emissions control (e.g., command-and-control approach) and permit based mechanisms: |
100.0000% |
Discussion of long-term and short-term strategy or plan to manage Scope1 emissions, emissions reduction targets, and an analysis of performance against those targets |
Since it is not yet in production, Troilus does not yet generate significant emissions. Emissions are limited to those generated by vehicles and machinery used in exploration. This point is covered by indicator 6.2.1 of Ecologo Certification UL 2723. See the link for more information on the regulations under Quebec's cap and trade system. |
Quebec's cap and trade regulations |
Air Quality |
Report emissions of air pollutants that are released into the atmosphere: |
Emissions of (1) carbon monoxide, reported as CO (tonne) |
0 |
Emissions of (2) oxides of nitrogen (NOX), reported as NOX (tonne) |
0 |
Emissions of (3) oxides of sulfur (SOX), reported as SOX (tonne) |
0 |
Emissions of (4) particulate matter 10 micrometers or less in diameter (PM₁₀), reported as PM₁₀ (tonne)
0 |
Emissions of (5) lead and lead compounds, reported as Pb (tonne) |
0 |
Emissions of (6) mercury and mercury compounds, reported as Hg (tonne) |
0 |
Emissions of (7) non-methane volatile organic compounds (VOCs) (tonne) |
0 |
Water |
Efficiency |
Proportion of water reused and recycled by the site to reduce the overall consumptive water demand: |
90.0000% |
Water Withdrawal |
Disclose the freshwater withdrawn in locations with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress as a percentage of the total water withdrawn |
0.0000% |
Disclose the amount of water that was withdrawn from freshwater sources (Megaliters) |
100 |
Water Management |
Was your organization subject to any fines, enforcement orders, and/or other penalties for water-related regulatory violations |
No |
Number of incidents of non-compliance associated with water quality permits, standards, and regulations |
0 |
Water Consumption |
Disclose freshwater consumed in locations with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress as a percentage of the total water consumed: |
0.0000% |
Disclose the amount of water that was consumed in its operations (Megaliters) |
3 |
Energy Management |
(1) Total energy consumed in aggregate, in gigajoules (GJ) (hydrocarbons and electricity) |
10 |
(2) Percentage energy consumed that was supplied by grid electricity |
100.0000% |
(3) Percentage of energy consumed that is renewable energy: |
100.0000% |
Waste Management |
Innovation |
Spending on Research, Development, and Technologies for waste management compliance and improvement |
$35,000 |
Describe nature of spending on research, development and technologies for waste management compliance and improvement |
Budgeted. Not yet spent. |
A research program has been initiated with CTRI (Centre de technologie de traitement des résidus) . to comply with Quebec's Politique de Protection des sols et réhabilitation des terrains contaminés. |
proposition CTRI |
Budget CTRI |
Biodiversity |
List the environmental biodiversity management plan(s) implemented at active sites: |
See attached for the Troilus Biodiversity management plan. |
Permis Intervention annuel 2019-2020 |
1.1 Mine lifecycle stages to which the plan(s) apply |
Exploration and appraisal |
1.2 The topics addressed by the plan(s) |
Ecological and biodiversity impacts, Noise impacts |
1.3 The underlying references for its plan(s), including whether they are codes, guidelines, standards, or regulations; whether they were developed by the entity, an industry organization, a third-party organization (e.g., a non-governmental organization, a governmental agency, or some combination of these groups) |
We constructed this plan and policy in conjunction with the EcoLogo Certification program: ECOLOGO® Certified products, services and packaging are certified for reduced environmental impact. ECOLOGO Certifications are voluntary, multiattribute, life cycle-based environmental certifications that indicate a product has undergone rigorous scientific testing, exhaustive auditing or both, to prove its compliance with stringent, third-party, environmental performance standards. Also Quebec Fauna Ministry (MFFP - Ministère de la Forêt, de la Faune et des Parcs) put some guidelines and conditions in the permits they emit |
see Page 2 of 6 of the intervention permit for guidelines from Quebec Fauna Ministry (MFFP - Ministère de la Forêt, de la Faune et des Parcs on Forestry cariboo |
Does access to the site involve traversing a protected area |
No |
Do any of the entities concessions share a watershed with a protected area |
No |
Provide context and description of site access involving traversing protected areas, and/or watersheds shared with a protected area. Include reference to measures in place to assure access, any proactive programs to support the biodiversity of the protected area, and any formal complaints or compliance issues and related steps to resolve |
We do not share protected watershed areas and are able to get to the project via direct road access. |
Percentage of proved reserves in sites with protected conservation status or in areas of endangered species habitat: |
0.0000% |
Percentage of probable reserves in sites with protected conservation status or in areas of endangered species habitat: |
0.0000% |
Percentage of inferred, indicated and measured reerves in sites with protected conservation status or in areas of endangered species habitat: |
0.0000% |
Social |
Scale of the Organization |
i. Report the total number of direct employees worldwide (exclude contractors) |
23 |
ii. Report the total number of contract employees worldwide |
0 |
Contractors at Troilus are contracted through a staffing agency or other supplier so these are not direct contract employees of Troilus. The third-party contract workers are varied and many and come and go throughout the reporting period depending on exploration and development activities taking place at site at different times. During the reporting period, 362 contract staff worked at Troilus, supplied to the Company through service providers (i.e. a drilling company) or a staffing agency. As such Troilus does not know their status as to temporary/permanent, fulltime/part time or turnover that occurred during the period. |
Organizational Profile |
ii. Report the total number of operations |
1 |
100% by Troilus Gold Corp. |
Report the total number of direct employees by employment type (permanent and temporary), by gender: |
23 |
Total number of permanent employees - female |
9 |
Total number of temporary employees - female |
0 |
Total number of permanent employees - male |
14 |
Total number of temporary employees - male |
0 |
Total number of permanent employees - non-binary |
0 |
Total number of temporary employees - non-binary |
0 |
Report the total number of contractors by employment type (permanent and temporary), by gender: |
0 |
Troilus does not employ any contract staff directly. Contractors who work on site are provided through third party staffing agencies or service providers. As such, Troilus does not have information regarding their permanent or temporary status. |
Total number of permanent contractors - female |
0 |
Total number of temporary contractors - female |
0 |
Total number of permanent contractors - male |
0 |
Total number of temporary contractors - male |
0 |
Total number of permanent contractors - non-binary |
0 |
Total number of temporary contractors - non-binary |
0 |
Report the total number of employees by employment type (full-time and part-time), by gender: |
23 |
Total number of full-time employees - female |
9 |
Total number of part-time employees - female |
0 |
Total number of full-time employees - male |
14 |
Total number of part-time employees - male |
0 |
Total number of full-time employees - non-binary |
0 |
Total number of part-time employees - non-binary |
0 |
Report the total number of contractors by employment type (full-time and part-time), by gender: |
0 |
Contract workers are not directly contracted to Troilus, but provided to the Company via third party vendors or a staffing agency. As such, Troilus does not have information regarding their full-time/part-time status by gender. |
Total number of full-time contractors - female |
0 |
Total number of part-time contractors - female |
0 |
Total number of full-time contractors - male |
0 |
Total number of part-time contractors - male |
0 |
Total number of full-time contractors - non-binary |
0 |
Total number of part-time contractors - non-binary |
0 |
Employment |
Turnover |
Report the total number and rate of employee turnover during the reporting period, by age group, and gender: |
All Employees |
Total number of turnover (the number that left during the period) |
2 |
2 employees left during the reporting period, and 8 employees were hired during the reporting period. |
Rate of turnover |
10.0000% |
Female employees |
Total number of turnover (the number that left during the period) |
2 |
2 female individuals left employment during the reporting period, but 2 female individuals were hired. |
Rate of turnover |
22.2222% |
Male employees |
Total number of turnover (the number that left during the period) |
0 |
Rate of turnover |
0.0000% |
Non-binary employees |
Total number of turnover (the number that left during the period) |
0 |
Rate of turnover |
Does Not Apply |
Employees aged 30 years old and under |
Total number of turnover (the number that left during the period) |
1 |
1 person under 30 left for another position, and 3 persons under 30 were hired during the reporting period. |
Rate of turnover |
50.0000% |
Employees aged between 30 and 50 years old |
Total number of turnover (the number that left during the period) |
1 |
1 person aged between 30 - 50 left and 3 aged between 30 - 50 were hired during the reporting period. |
Rate of turnover |
12.5000% |
Employees over 50 years old |
Total number of turnover (the number that left during the period) |
0 |
Rate of turnover |
0.0000% |
Identify types of employees captured in the turnover rate calculations |
All employees on the payroll |
Occupational Health and Safety |
Work-related Injuries |
a. For all employees: |
i. Total Hours Worked |
34960 |
ii- Number of fatalities as a result of work-related injury |
0 |
Rate of fatalities resulting from work-related injury, note: calculating per 200,000 hours |
0 |
iii. Number of high-consequence work-related injuries (excluding fatalities) |
0 |
Rate of high-consequence work-related injuries (excluding fatalities) |
0 |
iv. Number of recordable work-related injuries |
0 |
Rate of recordable work-related injuries |
0 |
v. Main types of work-related injury, e.g. confined space, trips, falls, etc. |
There were no work related injuries of any kind for all employees of the company. |
b. Contractors: |
i. Total Hours Worked |
42400 |
Contractors in this case are staff of vendors or a staffing agency that work at the Troilus site. |
ii. Number of fatalities as a result of work-related injury |
0 |
Rate of fatalities resulting from work-related injury, note: calculating per 200,000 hours |
0 |
iii. Number of high-consequence work-related injuries (excluding fatalities) |
0 |
Rate of high-consequence work-related injuries (excluding fatalities) |
0 |
iv. Number of recordable work-related injuries |
0 |
All injuries were minor in nature and treated with first aid on site. No hospitalizations required. No time lost. |
Rate of recordable work-related injuries |
0 |
v. Main types of work-related injury, e.g. falls, trips, spills, etc. |
Work related injuries were limited to minor injuries caused through the use of tools . Treated with first aid on site. No days lost or hospitalization required. |
c. Combined (Employees and Contractors)
Total Hours Worked |
77360 |
Total number of all work-related injuries |
0 |
Rate of work-related injuries |
0 |
c. Report the work-related hazards that pose a risk of high-consequence injury, including: |
i. How have these hazards been determined |
Troilus is a closed mine site. Hazards have been identified relating to the remainders of the former operations (such as the empty pits, waste piles, etc.) and safety protocols are in place to ensure appropriate measures are followed. Troilus is also engaged in exploration and there are hazards related to drilling and other development activities. Troilus has a safety manual in place to address the hazards and all visitors and workers on site are provided with a safety briefing and appropriate PPE. In 2020, the safety manual has also incorporated new processes and procedures to address COVID-19. |
ii. Which of these hazards have caused or contributed to high-consequence injuries during the reporting period
None |
iii. Actions taken or underway to eliminate these hazards and minimize risks using the hierarchy of controls |
Our safety plan is constructed and distributed to ensure that everyone is aware of any action that is necessary to mitigate any hazard (minor or major) and with appropriate controls. |
d. Report on actions taken or underway to eliminate other work-related hazards and minimize risks using the hierarchy of controls |
New protocols have been incorporated this year to address measures recommended by public health authorities to stop the spread of COVID-19. These include hygiene measures, screening of individuals who visit site, working from home when possible, physical alterations at camp to help ensure physical distancing and use of PPE. |
f. Whether and, if so, why any workers have been excluded from this disclosure, including the types of worker excluded, e.g. short-term contractors |
No workers have been excluded from this disclosure. |
g. Disclose any contextual information necessary to understand how the data have been compiled, such as any standards, methodologies, and assumptions used |
See details attached. |
The data for the safety plan in place at the project site and in the company was gathered and compiled with the following guidelines and adherence to the following standards: 1. CNSST 2. Risk Assessment Exercise 3. Public Health guidelines relating to COVID-19
The risk assessment part is in Section 3 of the Prevention and Safety document
Regulation CNESST |
prevention and safety Troilus Program |
Troilus COVID-19 Management Plan |
Safety Training |
Disclose the average number of training hours provided to its workforce for health, safety, and emergency management training, by direct employees and contractors:
Direct Employees (full-time/part-time): |
2.7 |
Contractors: |
0 |
Staff who worked on site received training on safety, first aid/emergency response, the use of tools and machinery. (Total 400 hours) |
Diversity and Equal Opportunity |
b. Report the percentage of employees per employee category in each of the following diversity categories: |
Senior Management: |
Total Senior Managers |
10 |
Percent Male |
70.0000% |
Percent Female |
30.0000% |
Percent Non-Binary |
0.0000% |
Percent under 30 years of age |
0.0000% |
Percent between 30 and 50 years of age |
50.0000% |
Percent over 50 years of age |
50.0000% |
Salaried (excluding Senior Management): |
Total Middle Managers |
13 |
Percent Male |
53.8000% |
Percent Female |
46.2000% |
Percent Non-Binary |
0.0000% |
Percent under 30 years of age |
23.1000% |
Percent between 30 and 50 years of age |
30.8000% |
Percent over 50 years of age |
46.2000% |
Technical Employees (skilled hourly): |
Total Technical Employees |
0 |
Percent Male |
Does Not Apply |
Percent Female |
Does Not Apply |
Percent Non-Binary |
Does Not Apply |
Percent under 30 years of age |
Does Not Apply |
Percent between 30 and 50 years of age |
Does Not Apply |
Percent over 50 years of age |
Does Not Apply |
Production Employees (unskilled hourly): |
Total Production Employees |
0 |
Percent Male |
Does Not Apply |
Percent Female |
Does Not Apply |
Percent Non-Binary |
Does Not Apply |
Percent under 30 years of age |
Does Not Apply |
Percent between 30 and 50 years of age |
Does Not Apply |
Percent over 50 years of age |
Does Not Apply |
Total Contractors |
362 |
In this case, Contractors refers to staff who worked on site on behalf of a vendor (such as a drilling company) or whose services were provided by a third party staffing agency. |
Percent Male |
90.8840% |
Percent Female |
9.1160% |
Percent Non-Binary |
0.0000% |
Percent under 30 years of age |
0.0000% |
Percent between 30 and 50 years of age |
0.0000% |
Percent over 50 years of age |
0.0000% |
Security, Human Rights and Rights of Indigenous People |
Identify the countries of operations within World Banks list of “Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations” |
None |
Describe the nature of any social risks, for all operating countries, that could have a material risk to operations |
We have identified a key social risk is our engagement with First Nations (Cree) as the Troilus Project is located on traditional Cree territory. We have extensive engagement with the Cree Nation and align ourselves with the James Bay Agreement signed between the Government of Quebec and the Cree Nation. Please see link to the Agreement. |
James Bay Agreement |
Percentage of proved reserves that are located in or near areas of active conflict: |
Does Not Apply |
The total amount of proved reserves |
0 |
Percentage of probable reserves that are located in or near areas of active conflict: |
Does Not Apply |
The total amount of probable reserves |
0 |
Percentage of inferred, indicated and measured reserves that are located in or near areas of active conflict: |
Does Not Apply |
Total amount of inferred, indicated and/or measured reserves |
0 |
Percentage of proved reserves that are located in or near areas that are considered to be indigenous peoples’ land: |
Does Not Apply |
The total amount of proved reserves
0 |
Percentage of probable reserves that are located in or near areas that are considered to be indigenous peoples’ land: |
Does Not Apply |
The total amount of probable reserves
0 |
Percentage of inferred, indicated and measured reserves that are located in or near areas that are considered to be indigenous peoples’ land: |
Does Not Apply |
Total amount of inferred, indicated and measured reserves |
0 |
Describe due diligence practices and procedures with respect to indigenous rights of communities in which it operates or intends to operate |
Troilus has a strong relationship with the Cree Nation of Mistissini and the Cree Nation Government. |
A Pre-Development Agreement was signed in 2018 which is the precursor to a future Impact & Benefits Agreement. Troilus maintains regular communication with the leadership of the Cree Nation, Chief & Council in Mistissini, Cree Mineral Board, Cree Trappers Association and directly with Impacted Families. Community consultation is considered a key priority. |
Partnership with Cree Nation |
Discuss practices and list procedures while operating in areas of conflict, e.g. add URL to policies and procedures or other document |
We do not operate in areas of conflict. |
Labor Relations |
Notice Periods |
a. Minimum number of weeks’ notice typically provided to employees and their representatives prior to the implementation of significant operational changes that could substantially affect them |
2 |
2 weeks is the mandated period for notice to employees prior to implementation of significant operational changes that could substantially affect them. This is governed by the Work Comission in Quebec : CNESST (Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail).
required notice for significatant change like termination of employment. |
b. If your organization is subject to collective bargaining agreements, is the notice period and provisions for consultation and negotiation specified in those agreements: |
No |
Troilus Gold Corp does not have any collective bargaining agreements or unionized employees or contractors. |
Community Relations |
Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining |
Number of company operating sites where artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) takes place on, or adjacent to, the site (not controlled by company/unauthorized): |
0 |
Percentage of company operating sites where artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) takes place on, or adjacent to, the site |
Does Not Apply |
Report the associated risks and the actions taken to manage and mitigate these risks |
We do not engage in small scale mining, therefore an "Assessment Plan" is not applicable. |
Programs |
Report on community relations programs, objectives and achievements in the past 3 years |
Please refer to details. |
We support our local communities and their sustainability through measures such as development programs, locally sourcing goods and services, capacity building of local small and medium enterprises, financial support for community initiatives and employing local people. |
Troilus Sponsors United Way Golf Tournament in Chibougamau |
Troilus Sponsors 7th Annual Big Rock Fishing Derby in Mistissini |
Troilus Sponsors Chibougamau Sculptor Exhibit |
Discuss the processes, procedures, and practices to manage risks and opportunities associated with the rights and interests of communities in areas where it conducts business |
Troilus regularly communicates with local and provincial government bodies and undertakes community consultation. |
Troilus makes it a priority to support local businesses and community building activities. |
Opening of Troilus office in Mistissini |
Troilus Community Relations |
Report the total number of site shutdowns or project delays due to non-technical factors |
1 |
2020 was exceptional due to the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak worldwide. Troilus is committed first and always to the safety of it's people and thus closed the site for the federal government mandated period of 6 weeks until the government allowed legal opening of sites. |
Report the total aggregate duration of site shutdowns or project delays due to non-technical factors (days) |
42 |
The 42 aggregate days of the project being shutdown was due to the Province of Quebec Covid-19 mandate. However, the shutdown did not delay the project. Troilus had already finalized its drilling requirements prior to the shutdown, therefore there is no impact to the project timeline or it's goals. Once permitted by the Province of Quebec to access the project site, appropriate measures and risk mitigation controls were implemented to ensure the safety of all employees, contractors and all persons in the surrounding communities. |
Ethics |
Description of the management system for prevention of corruption and bribery throughout the value chain, e.g. Anti-Corruption Policies and Procedures or other Compliance document |
All directors, officers, employees and outside parties acting directly or indirectly on behalf of the company are subject to the company's Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption Policy. |
An annual acknowledgement is required and employees are provided with training on appropriate application of the policy by Brianna Davies, Troilus's in-house legal counsel. |
Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy |
Report production in countries that have the 20 lowest rankings in Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index (Saleable tonne) |
0 |
Governance |
Structure |
a. Report the governance structure of the organization, including committees of the highest governance body, e.g. the Board of Directors, the Executives, the Board Environment Committee, Board Safety Committee, the Advisory Committee, etc. |
Troilus has an 8 person Board of Directors. |
The Chair is independent as are all of the Directors with the exception of the CEO who has a seat on the Board. The Board has an Environment, Social & Governance Committee which is made up entirely of independent Directors and meets at least quarterly. |
Diane Lai, Chair of the Board |
Committees |
b. Report the committees responsible for decision-making on economic, environmental, and social topics, e.g. the Board of Directors, the Executives, the Board Environment Committee, Board Safety Committee, the Advisory Committee, etc. |
The Environment, Social & Governance Committee will consider any decisions on economic, environmental and social topics as presented by management and make recommendations to the Board of Directors as required. |
Responsibility |
a. Has the organization appointed an executive-level position or positions with responsibility for economic, environmental, and social topics , e.g. is it part of the Governance structure of the company, the CFO or internal audit reporting to the Board |
Yes |
Reporting Structure |
b. Report whether position holders report directly to the highest governance body or CEO |
The Vice President Corporate Affairs has oversight of economic, environmental and social topics and reports to the CEO on a daily basis and the Environment, Social & Governance Committee on at least a quarterly basis. |
Consultation Process |
Report the processes for consultations between stakeholders and the highest governance body on economic, environmental and social topics, e.g. for most mining companies it would be the executives and operations and not the Board, and if delegated, explain how |
The Director of Environment, Jacqueline Leroux, and the VP Corporate Affairs, Catherine Stretch, report to the CEO on consultations with stakeholders. |
The CEO is actively involved in these consultations as required. The CEO and VP Corporate Affairs report on such topics to the Board. |
Troilus meets with Grand Chief Abel Bosum and Cree Nation of Mistissini Chief Thomas Neeposh |
Representatives from Cree Nation of Mistissini visit Troilus site |
Students from Cree Mineral Board visit Troilus site |
Composition |
Report the composition of the highest governance body and its committees by:
Number of executive members
1 |
Number of non-executive members |
0 |
Number of independent members |
7 |
Less than 3 years |
8 |
3-6 - years |
0 |
6-9 years |
0 |
More than 10 years |
0 |
Lists of each individual’s other significant positions and commitments, and the nature of the commitments, e.g. other boards and executive positions |
Please refer to the link that will detail all of the Board of Directors and their relevant committee portfolios. |
Troilus Board of Directors |
Number of Male governance body members |
7 |
Number of Female governance body members |
1 |
Number of members from under-represented social groups |
1 |
Description of competencies relating to economic, environmental, and social topics |
Four of the Board of Directors: Pierre Pettigrew, Diane Lai, Andrew Cheatle, and John Hadjigeorgiou comprise the ESG Committee. |
They attend to the environmental, social and governance reviews and mandates of the company.
In addition to the CEO and CFO of the company ensuring the financial and economic wellbeing and driving financial policies for the Troilus, Thomas Olesinski is the Chair of the Audit Committee that oversees the governance practices of Troilus's financial process. |
Description of stakeholder representation |
Troilus CEO, CFO and Senior Management team meet with Cree Nation representatives several times a year to and political leaders from local communities to highlight any issues and discuss project development and mutual goals. Troilus has a "Pre-Development Committee" which includes representatives of the Cree Nation. |
Board Diversity |
If availabile, provide a link to the entity's Board Diversity Proxy Statement or attach the related document |
Please see details for information on our Board Diversity policy. |
Our Board Diversity policy is included in the Board of Director Charter. The portion of the Charter that discuss this policy is included here for your reference.
"The Board of Directors believes that a board made up of highly qualified directors from diverse backgrounds is a means of enhancing the Corporation's performance by recognizing and utilizing the contribution of diverse skills and talent from its directors, officers, employees and consultants."
As a forward thinking and pro-active board, we will be expanding our policy to implement a stand alone diversity policy in 2021. |
Diane Lai, Chair of the Board |
Non-Executive Director |
a. Is the chair of the highest governance body also an executive officer in the organization |
No |
Conflicts of Interest |
a. Report the processes for the highest governance body to ensure conflicts of interest are avoided and managed, e.g. list procedures |
Directors are asked at each Board meeting to advise if they are aware of any conflicts. |
Management is asked quarterly by the CFO whether they are aware of any conflicts. Conflicts of interest are addressed in the Company's Code of Business Conduct. |
Code of Business Conduct & Ethics |
b. Report whether conflicts of interest are disclosed to stakeholders, including, as a minimum: |
Yes |
i. Cross-board membership |
Yes |
ii. Cross-shareholding with suppliers and other stakeholders |
Yes |
iii. Existence of controlling shareholder |
Yes |
iv. Related third party disclosures |
Yes |
Transparency |
a. Report the highest governance body’s and senior executives’ roles in the development, approval, and updating of the organization’s purpose, value or mission statements, strategies, policies, and goals related to economic, environmental, and social topics |
Please refer to the link included. |
The Board of Directors along with the Executives of the company have an annual Strategy Session to determine our objectives and goals for the coming year, and highlight any successes and risks that must be considered and mitigated. This includes a governance review, competitive analysis, environmental, social and economic review and forecast.
Board of Directors Roles and Responsibilities |
a. Report on the measures taken to develop and enhance the highest governance body’s collective knowledge of economic, environmental, and social topics, e.g. board training |
Please refer to details for information on Board training. |
Troilus embarked on a training program in 2020 to ensure all Board of Director roles understood the governance practices of the corporation. The training was provided by Troilus legal counsel, Brianna Davies, J.D. and included Code of Conduct, Business Ethics, Conflict of Interest, Insider Trading, and more. Catherine Stretch, VP Corporate Affairs, provides quarterly updates to the Board and Executive on all items pertaining to ESG standards and corporate targets. |
d. Report the actions taken in response to evaluation of the highest governance body’s performance with respect to governance of economic, environmental, and social topics, including, as a minimum, changes in membership and organizational practice, (reponse to external evaluations) |
Please see the details for the information. |
The ESG Committee was established in 2020 and prior to was concentric to Governance. Troilus expanded the Environmental and Social components to the mandate in this reporting year. Thus far, all members of the Board that are involved in the economic, environmental and social topics are working diligently and well to mandated standards and targets and continue to become further engaged and trained when necessary in specific areas that may need to be augmented .
The formalization of the ESG Committee benefited Troilus in creating a more specific Policies and Procedures that supported the ESG mandates of the company. While we already had many of the goals and beliefs written in various formal documentation of the Corporation, the ESG Committee ensured we gathered all necessary protocols to define our strategy and create a more centralized Policies and Procedures that will continue to evolve as the company moves forward in its' support of ESG principles. |
a. Report the highest governance body’s role in identifying and managing economic, environmental, and social topics and their impacts, risks, and opportunities – including its role in the implementation of due diligence processes, (committee roles) |
Please see primary responsibilities of the ESG Committee in details. |
Primary Responsibilities of the ESG Committee |
b. Is stakeholder consultation used to support the highest governance body’s identification and management of economic, environmental, and social topics and their impacts, risks, and opportunities, and if delegated, explain how |
Yes |
Troilus engages in ongoing consultation with its stakeholders; in particular with members of the Cree Nation, and their feedback is incorporated into the identification and management of economic, environmental and social topics. Troilus also engages regularly with its major shareholders to ensure it is addressing governance concerns at an institutional level, staying abreast of trends in ESG and communicating the company's ESG practices. |
Remuneration |
b. Report how performance criteria in the remuneration policies relate to the highest governance body’s and senior executives’ objectives for economic, environmental, and social topics |
The ESG Committee has been formed in this reporting year 2020. As such we are developing our more detailed Policies and Procedures in 2021. In this coming year, we will be undertaking a set of criteria to review how performance measurements will be tied to ESG components. |
a. How are stakeholders’ views sought and taken into account regarding remuneration |
Troilus takes the stakeholder's views and shareholder's views very seriously. For example, at the most recent AGM, the shareholders approved the Company's incentive share unit plan. Troilus engages with the Institutional Shareholders and other Shareholders and Stakeholders in constant dialogue to understand their viewpoints and to ensure proper transparent communication at every step of the company's strategy. |
b. If applicable, report the results of votes on remuneration policies and proposals |
In December 2020, the majority of the Shareholders voted in favor of the adoption of the adoption of the incentive share unit plan. |
Stakeholder Engagement |
a. Percentage of total direct employees covered by collective bargaining agreements: |
0.0000% |
Anti-corruption |
Policies and Practices |
di. Total number of governance body members that have received training on anti-corruption |
8 |
dii. Percentage of governance body members that have received training on anti-corruption: |
100.0000% |
e. Report the total number and percentage of employees that have received training on anti-corruption, broken down by employee category: |
e1a. Total number of employees that received training on anti-corruption |
23 |
Total number of employees |
23 |
e1b. Percentage of employees that received training on anti-corruption |
100.0000% |
e2a. Total number of senior employees that received training on anti-corruption |
10 |
Total number of senior employees |
10 |
e2b. Percentage of senior employees that received training on anti-corruption |
100.0000% |
e3a. Total number of middle management employees have received training on anti-corruption |
4 |
Total number of middle management employees |
4 |
e3b. Percentage of middle management employees have received training on anti-corruption |
100.0000% |
e4a. Total number of technical employees that received training on anti-corruption |
6 |
Total number of technical employees |
6 |
e4b. Percentage of technical employees that received training on anti-corruption |
100.0000% |
e5a. Total number of production employees that received training on anti-corruption |
0 |
Total number of production employees |
0 |
e5b. Percentage of production employees that received training on anti-corruption |
Does Not Apply |
e6a. Total number of administrative employees that received training on anti-corruption |
2 |
Total number of administrative employees |
2 |
e6b. Percentage of administrative employees that received training on anti-corruption |
100.0000% |
Tax |
a. Describe the approach to stakeholder engagement and management of stakeholder concerns related to tax, including:
i. the approach to engagement with tax authorities |
We comply with all Canadian tax authorities and have an ongoing relationship with said authorities. Our CFO, Denis Arsenault, ensures proper following of all tax policies and procedures and adheres to the Federal and Provincial guidelines as prescribed. |
ii. the approach to public policy advocacy on tax |
At this time we ensure that all tax disclosures are reported in our AGM and Quarterly Financial Statements to the public. In the Financial Statements our tax methods and policies are disclosed and we invite public comment from our Stakeholders and Shareholders. |
iii. the processes for collecting and considering the views and concerns of stakeholders, including external stakeholders |
At this stage of Troilus development the most pertinent point of the tax strategy is the "Flow Through Shares" which is fully disclosed in our Financial Statements and in communications to investors in any of our Flow-Through Share offerings. |
Climate Change |
Oversight |
Is there board-level oversight of climate-related issues within your organization |
Yes |
This mandate and requirement falls under the purview of the ESG Committee. |
Responsibility |
Provide the highest management-level position(s) or committee(s) with responsibility for climate-related issues: |
Sustainability committee |
The "ESG Committee" at the Board level. |
Nature of primary responsibility |
Assessing climate-related risks and opportunities |
Reporting |
Frequency of reporting to the board on climate-related issues |
Quarterly |
Incentives |
Do you provide incentives for the management of climate-related issues, including the attainment of targets |
No, not currently but we plan to introduce them in the next two years |
Risk and Opportunity Management |
Does your organization have a process for identifying, assessing, and responding to climate-related risks and opportunities |
No - Insufficient data on operations |
Risk Assessments |
Have you identified any inherent climate-related risks with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business |
No - Risks exist, but none with potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on business |
Opportunity Assessments |
Have you identified any climate-related opportunities with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business: |
Yes |
Provide details of opportunities identified with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business |
Opportunity 1 |
Where in the value chain does the opportunity driver occur |
Direct operations |
Opportunity type |
Energy source: Other, please specify |
The future operation of the Troilus Mine will be 100% powered by hydro-electric energy, which is a sustainable energy source. |
Opportunity time horizon |
Long-term |
Opportunity likelihood |
Virtually certain |
Magnitude of impact |
High |
Potential impact financial figure and explanation |
This is a low cost source of sustainable energy. Cost of hydro-electric power for Troilus is approximately 5 cents/kWh and thus sustainable in the long term throughout the lifecycle of the project. |
Primary potential financial impact driver |
Reduced indirect (operating) costs |
Cost and strategy to realize opportunity and explanation of cost calculation |
Troilus has a 50 Megawatt substation on site and over 80 km of power lines. Please refer to the link attached for further information. See section on "Infrastructure". |
PEA Results - please go to section "Infrastructure" |
Strategy |
Have climate-related risks and opportunities influenced your organization’s strategy and/or financial planning |
Yes |
Troilus is certainly taking climate related risks into consideration so that any long term plans and policies address any and all climate issues. These are important considerations as we know that decisions we make in the near future will have long term implications as the mine site is redeveloped and put back into production. |
Water Management |
Quality and Quantity Dependency |
Rate the importance (current and future) of freshwater quality and quantity to the success of your business: |
Direct use importance rating |
Vital |
It is vital for all personnel that is onsite to have access to clean and fresh water. |
Indirect use importance rating |
Not very important |
We do not require clean and fresh water for any of the machinery, drills, etc. on site. We use such a little amount of water (3 megaliters) on site that at the present time it is not impactful. |
Rate the importance (current and future) of sufficient quantity of recycled, brackish and/or produced water for the success of your business: |
Direct use importance rating |
Neutral |
We are considering collecting rain water and recycling as a source of fresh water for our personnel at a future date. |
Indirect use importance rating |
Vital |
We plan on using only recycled or brackish water in our daily operations on site relevant to machinery, drills, etc. |
Risk Assessments |
Does your organization undertake a water-related risk assessment |
Yes, water-related risks are assessed |
Select the options that best describe your procedures for identifying and assessing water-related risks: |
i. Coverage |
Full |
ii. Risk Assessment Procedure |
Water risks are assessed in an environmental risk assessment |
iii. Frequency of Risk Assessment |
More than once a year |
iv. How far into the future are risks considered |
3 to 6 years |
Have you identified any inherent water-related risks with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on operations |
No |
Opportunity Assessments |
Have you identified any water-related opportunities with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business: |
Yes, we have identified opportunities, and some or all are being realized |
Opportunity 1 |
Type of opportunity |
Efficiency: Other, please specify |
At the Troilus there are two mine pits from the previous operation which are currently filled with water and Troilus has conducted an Environmental Impact Assessment to proceed with the de-watering of the pits which has been approved by MELCC (Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques). Troilus is planning to remove all the water from the mine pits and will monitor, treat and transfer the water to the surrounding watershed. This will allow for the safe access to the lower levels of the mine pit for further exploration and drilling. |
Opportunity timeframe |
1 to 3 years |
Magnitude of potential impact |
Medium |
Potential impact financial figure and explanation |
In 2021, Troilus plans to commence the de-watering the two existing pits on site. De-watering of the pits will make it safer and less expensive to drill for further exploration of the deposit. The environmental permit to de-water the pits was issued by MELCC in August 2020. |
Responsibility |
Provide the highest management-level position(s) or committee(s) with responsibility for water-related issues |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Policy |
Does your organization have a documented water policy |
No, but we plan to develop one within the next 2 years |
Select the options that best describe the scope and content of your organizations' water policy |
Not applicable |
Reporting |
Frequency of reporting to the board on water-related issues |
Quarterly |
Incentives |
Do you provide incentives to C-suite employees or board members for the management of water-related issues |
No, not currently but we plan to introduce them in the next two years |
Strategy |
Are water-related issues integrated into any aspects of your long-term strategic business plan: |
Yes, water-related issues are integrated |
If water-related issues are integrated into any aspects of your long-term strategic business plan, please describe further |
Please see links for further information. |
Dewatering Assessment in English
Dewatering Assessment in French |
Water Treatment Facility |
View of Tailings Pond September 2020 |
If water-related issues are integrated into any aspects of your long-term strategic business plan, identify the associated long-term time horizon |
5-10 years |
This document was prepared using |
, Planet Earth's complete ESG reporting solution. |